Faith Events at COP15

During COP15, the Faiths at COP15 coalition will be hosting a number of events at the Faith Pavilion in Place Québec. If you’re in Montreal, please consider joining us. f you’re not in Montreal, our events will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel. See below for a full listing of our events.

  • An Evening of Spirit and Faith

    December 7th
    6.00pm ET
    Auditorium, Place Quebec

    Join us for an evening with spiritual and faith leaders from around the world as we discuss the urgency of protecting biodiversity and our hopes for COP15. The evening will include a mix of panel discussions, short movie presentations, and multi-faith prayers for a successful COP15.

  • Multi-Faith Voices for an Ambitious GBF

    December 8th
    10.30am ET
    Nature Positive Pavilion

    Join us as representatives of different faith traditions launch their multi-faith priorities for the GBF at COP15. Drawing on the wisdom of their different religious traditions, they will share what they hope to see at COP15 and how their faiths call them to protect and care for nature.

  • Faith Voices Raising Ambition for a Strong Global Biodiversity Framework

    December 8th
    1.15pm ET
    Youth meeting room 513B

    Hear from a variety of faith representatives about the work they are doing to protect biodiversity in their communities and the critical role of faith groups in the implementation of the Global Biodiversity Framework. (In partnership with the UNEP Faith for Earth Initiative)

December 8th

Talanoa Dialogue for Ecological Civilization
4:00 PM ET

December 9th

Islam & Biodiversity
Hosted by Bahu Trust
10:00am ET

Faith Based Natural Lifestyle for Increased Biodiversity & Ecosystem Restoration: A Living 64+ Cases of Farms & Eco-communities of ISKCON
Hosted by Govardhan Ecovillage - ISKCON
11:30am ET

Vitamin ‘N’ Environmental Education for a ‘N’ature Positive Future
Hosted by A Rocha International
2:00pm ET

Lifting Up the Cry of the Earth and the Cry of the Poor: Our Moral Duty
Hosted by Laudato Si Movement
5:00pm ET

December 10th

Spirituality and Forest Protection
Hosted by Danmission
10:00am ET

Faith for Ecocide Law
Hosted by Stop Ecocide International
2:00pm ET

Intergenerational Perspectives on Faith and Biodiversity
Hosted by Green Hope Foundation
4:00pm ET

December 12th

Tackling the Three Global Crises through Faith and Indigenous Traditions
Hosted by A Rocha International
10:00am ET

The Promise of UN-Habitat's SDG Cities Global Initiative For Multi-Faith Impact on Biodiversity and the SDG's
Hosted by UN-Habitat and World Evangelical Alliance (WEA)
2:00pm ET

Faith Inspired Eco Villages
Hosted by Bahu Trust
4:00pm ET

December 13th

Evangelical Biodiversity Briefing
Hosted by World Evangelical Alliance
10:00am ET

Human Rights and the Rights of Nature
Hosted by Parliament of the World's Religions
12:00pm ET

Values, Culture, Spirituality, and Ecosystem Restoration
Hosted by Center For Earth Ethics + United Religions Initiative
4:00pm ET

December 14th

The Case for Cosmic Concern: Faith Perspectives on the Nexus of People, Animals, and the Environment
Hosted by Animal People
10:00am ET

Establishing Interlinkages between Faith, Biodiversity, Ecosystem Restoration, and Sustainable Agriculture: A Case of Govardhan Ecovillage
Hosted by Govardhan Ecovillage
2:00pm ET

The Species We Save May Be Our Own - Interfaith Organizations on Biodiversity Loss
Hosted by the Temple of Understanding
4:00pm ET

December 15th

Restoring Ecosystems: Practical Steps for Tree Growing
Hosted by World Wildlife Fund, Trillion Trees, + UN Environment Programme
10:00am ET

Awakening a Flourishing Future: Spiritual Regeneration and Indigenous Wisdom for Living in Harmony with Nature
Hosted by Brahma Kumaris
2:00pm ET

December 16th

Singing with the Earth: Catholic Responses to Creation Care
Hosted by Missionary Society of St. Columban
10:00am ET

The following events will take place at the Faith Pavilion, located in Place Quebec (Room 220C) at COP15.